So I went to FanEXPO in Toronto this past weekend. It was the first time I have ever gone to a convention before and it was GREAT. I got to meet a lot of my favorite artists. Although most of the time I was too star studded to say anything more coherent then "Thanks" or "I like your work."
Anyways, I was able to snap up a few pics and here they are!
Here I am with Mark Bagley. He has been one of my favorite artists since I was 10 years old. He was only signing for 1 day and I waited 2 hours in line to get 1 book signed by him.

Here I am getting a book signed by Gabrielle Dell'Otto. He is relatively new and has a nice style. He is painting the covers for the Secret Invasion story line at Marvel. I got him to sign the cover of the one he said was his favorite to do so far.

Here I am posing with J. Scott Campbell. He draws some of the sexiest women and I got him to sign everything I could get a hold of. I grabbed his 2 art books he was selling and they are great. He is a cool dude.

Here I am standing between the two people I probably harassed the most at the Con. Stuart and Kathryn Immonen. I didn't know who Stuart Immonen was until I read NextWave Agents of H.A.T.E (look for it!) and I immediately loved his work. He is currently drawing Ultimate Spider-man now that Mark Bagley is done, and it looks great. I can't get enough of his stuff and I probably bought everything on their table. They were a really cute couple and took my fanboy-ness with the biggest grain of salt ever.

And finally. On the last day of the convention. Right as we were leaving to drive all the way back to Ottawa. My roommate said the most beautiful words. "oh look, a Suicide Girls booth." Anyway to make a long story short, I dropped 40 bucks at their table and got this:

It was a lot of fun, and I will totally be back next year.